About Me

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SWOT Analysis


What do I do well?

The most effective strength I have when it comes to media is my ability to lead and manage a group, all while being an active member of the group. This is essential in an industry such as media, as there are always going to be tight deadlines that need to be made, and I believe that in a group of peers or strangers, I am able to help form a creative and focused atmosphere.

I feel that my main strength when it comes to practical skills that the industry demands, I am most efficient as a scriptwriter and at creating ideas for the actions and iconography that help boost the message of the story being told. I have a great understanding of concepts such as colour theory and how to structure a story, which makes me a great asset to a media focused industry.


What unique resources can I draw on?

I am lucky enough to be able to afford technology such as my own laptop, camera, printer amongst other gear, that allows me to access my work away from a classroom or studio. This will become extremely useful in a Post-Covid-19 world at University, as a lot of work will be managed away from campus and having access to my own technology allows me to continue my work in my personal environment.

I am also in possession of many books that teach film, art techniques, and other media related content. These are easy for me to access for a blast of inspiration, if I’m ever short on ideas for a project!


What do others see as my strengths? 

“Tom can come up with quirky and unique ideas that have helped inspire some of my previous projects”

“Listens to my ideas and is always willing to help me with my own project”




What could I improve on?

For a lot of my previous projects I have relied on other members of my group to take the lead on practical skills such as camera work and radio skills. I usually let people with more experience than me with these skills take the lead, because I feel that a project will ultimately turn out better if we focus on our own skill sets. That being said, I am always looking to improve myself and take on these challenges in the future.


Where do I lack in resources? 

When it comes to focusing on my future ambitions such as University or Apprenticeships, I feel like I do not have an understanding of what resources are available to me, however I feel that I could benefit by talking to people around my age group who have actually progressed to these stages to have a better understanding.




What opportunities are open to me?

I understand that at the end of my college journey, my main options are the following: University, Apprenticeships, or a gap year. I have in total looked at three Universities, as I feel I would be best suited in this environment to further myself. I have currently applied to Manchester Metropolitan University, as I thoroughly enjoyed the campus atmosphere, the courses they teach and also the overall city atmosphere I have become accustomed to. Although I need a Merit to secure my place, I feel that I should be capable of achieving this.


How can I turn my strengths into opportunities?

As one of my main strengths as a media student is my communication skills, I hope that I can use these to create more connections with people inside the industry, as well as clients. Manchester is a thriving city when it comes to the topic of media, so moving to an area that takes pride in such subjects should make it an effective place to learn.



What threats could harm my progression?

Unfortunately, I quite often go through spells of anxiety, which hinders my ability to focus on my work quite considerably. However, I am aware of a lot of resources through University, which should help me progress, relatively stress free!